About Us
HYPONIC’s journey began with HYPONIC’s founder, Mr. JB Kang’s rescue dog, an American Cocker Spaniel named Woongja.
At around the age of ten years, the once lively and healthy Woongja started experiencing skin issues.
Unfortunately as she aged, it progressed into a form of skin cancer which resulted in the amputation of one of her ears.
Heartbroken, Mr. Kang desperately sought out possible causes of Woongja’s suffering and finally discovered the plausible culprit behind her worsening symptoms; the dog shampoo.
He had been using a long list of toxic ingredients many of which have been linked to a range of health issues from skin irritation to cancer.
The toxins passed directly into Woongja’s pores and had been clogging them for years. Fifteen years of Woongja’s life equals to 250 hours of this toxic shampoo usage. Woongja has been exposed to the harmful toxins for 250 hours in her lifetime.
Mr. Kang vowed that no other animal should ever have to endure what Woongja went through, which is his belief that led to his dedicated research to create HYPONIC’s premium line of hypoallergenic, non-toxic shampoo.
The HYPONIC brand comes to you from Mr. Kang’s passion and love to all the animals suffering in silence.
Together with the highest-quality ingredients and top of the line research, HYPONIC products hope to make a difference in the lives of all our furry loved ones.

Research / Patent / Test Report